

Free Bookmark Announcement

***Sweet Dreams Bookmark*** Please click the above link to see a new free bookmark. Pastor Mike has a shipment of these coming via UPS Store any day now. Drop him a line on his email address oldfivepointer@yahoo.com, and he will send one your way.

Our God is Trustworthy

Originally preached November 2, 2014. Although I would have enjoyed the fun of writing a follow up story to last weeks, I believe that God wanted me to preach the following sermon today. I’ve been hoping and praying that He will use it as a means of providing comfort, encouragement and hope to each of …Continue reading

Pain Enhancers

First preached November 30, 2014. I still remember the morning when I bent over in the shower and, whammo, I thought I must have pulled a muscle in my lower back. The pain was pretty bad and so I took some Advil. I continued my normal routine of serving as the pastor of a small …Continue reading

The Comfort of Reality

This sermon first preached in 1988 and revised and expanded on July 2007. A boy poking Spike the dog with a ten-foot long pole is bound to evoke a reaction. Spike might run away, bark, growl, or if provoked enough, attack the pole and bite it. Although he is aware of the kid’s presence, his …Continue reading

Don’t Sweat Tomorrow

Originally Posted Feb 26, 2012. We live in a country that’s plagued by prophecy peddlers. Guys like Harold Camping and Hal Lindsey have made millions of dollars over the years exploiting gullible people. All too often Gods children take the teaching of these men and purchase their books. For instance, Lindsey utilizes his hyper-active imagination …Continue reading

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