
Friday Morning Special

Friday Morning Special 6/5/15


Letting Go by Amy Carrol “He decreed statutes for Jacob and established the law in Israel, which he commanded our forefathers to teach their children, so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children. Then they would put their trust in God …Continue reading

Friday Morning Special 5/29/15


Serve Humbly in Love Scripture Reading — Galatians 5:13-14 Serve one another humbly in love. — —Galatians 5:13 Servitude is not a glamorous concept. Who in their right mind would sign up for a life of servitude? And yet that is what God has in mind for his people. God knows how service to others …Continue reading

Friday Morning Special 5/22/15


The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” — PSALM 14:1 The famous philosopher Bertrand Russell was born into a Christian home and was taught to believe in God. Later on in life, however, he became an outspoken atheist, criticizing the idea of religious belief and advancing the belief in no God through …Continue reading

Friday Morning Special 5/15/15


When days of night softly gather, as our daylight hours end. Let us feel an overwhelming love for God, our dearest friend. He walks along beside us, through sunshine and in rain. He laughs with us in happy times to help to ease our pain. When some sorrow seems to tear our world apart, a …Continue reading

Sunday Morning Special 5/10/15


Nothing But Net How Stephen Curry Does All Things Eric Metaxas We’re going to take Paul’s advice to the Philippians and dwell on something that is excellent and lovely. Today on BreakPoint, we’re taking a break from the bad news that can so easily dominate our attention, such as riots, earthquakes, and gay wedding cakes. …Continue reading

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