
A Special Wedding Blessing

Good afternoon everyone. On behalf of Jerry and Sarah I’m honored to welcome you to this very special occasion. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Mike Cunningham and I’m the pastor of this little church. I’m also Sarah’s Grandpa and I have to admit then when Sarah first introduced me to Jerry I never thought we would be gathered here today. The first thing I noticed was that there’s quite a difference in their ages. I knew Sarah was a bright young woman and I thought that with the passing of time she would decide that Jerry wasn’t the man for her. As you can see, I was mistaken.

I assure you I wouldn’t be here unless I was convinced of certain things about this couple. However, before I explain allow me to share a little bit from the greatest true story the world has ever known. Here goes: Once upon a time there was no such thing as time. It didn’t exist. There was just an eternal state in which there is no beginning or ending. In it lives a supernatural Being the Bible identifies as God. Christians believe the Bible is our Creator’s written revelation of Himself to His human creatures such as you and me. Among the astonishing information within its pages is the fact that on the sixth day of the creation process God brought the first man into existence. Next we read about our Creator saying

Genesis 2:18,24 18 “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” After He created (the first woman) God said:  24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.’

What is about to take place in a few minutes is something that’s very special to Sarah and Jerry, and I assure you it is to me, too. We’re going to witness the uniting of these two people in marriage, which the Bible defines as being a permanent relationship joining together one man and one woman each of whom promise to be totally committed to the other as lifetime companions. As I mentioned a moment ago, it was instituted at the beginning of time by our Creator, and is a commitment Sarah and Jerry are about to make to each other in our presence, but more importantly, in the presence of God.

God lived amongst that first man and woman.  He united them in marriage and they enjoyed an unimaginably happy relationship of being in total harmony with Him and each other. The man and woman was oblivious of the meaning of words such as fear, anxiety, dishonesty, worry, depression, pride, impatience, jealousy, greed, and envy, nor did they know what it was like to become sick or die. Needless to say, they were very happy, and all because they lived their lives in a manner which was centered on God. In other words, God was number one. In the course of time however, they became discontented and wanted more. They wanted to be like God and do their own thing. And, God in His infinite wisdom and perfect love allowed them to give it a try, which is something all human beings have been doing ever since. From that moment forward everything changed within the man and woman which had a profound effect on them and each of their offspring including you and me. This is God’s explanation of the reason we human beings are by our very nature very flawed. If we are honest with ourselves we must admit that every one of us have many shortcomings, some more than others, and none of us are presently the kind of creature God created human beings to be. Unless that wonderful relationship with our Creator is restored, our world is going to continue its downward spiral propelled by self-centered people. But thankfully our all-loving God intervened, and so, at a specific moment in time, our invisible Creator clothed Himself with flesh and entered our world in the Person of His Son, Jesus Christ.

With incomprehensible love, God the Son had become a human creature with the name of Jesus and lived in our world amongst human beings. The Creator had become a human being just like us with one exception. He lived a life which was perfectly God-centered. Needless to say, Jesus was like a light shining in the darkness in our messed up world and he caught everyone’s attention, especially the religious leaders of the time who believed they had a corner on all spiritual truth and were better than everyone else, nor practice what they preached. They seized every opportunity to put Jesus on the spot such as the time they questioned Him concerning the permanence of marriage. We read His reply in Matthew’s Gospel when He referenced the passages I quoted a moment ago about God instituting marriage. Jesus said:

4…“Have you never read that He Who made them from the beginning made them male and female, 5 And said, For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and shall be united firmly (joined inseparably) to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh? 6 So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together let not man put asunder (separate).” Matthew 19:4-6 (AMP)

At this point in the ceremony I hope you’ve been wondering what those things are that convinced me I should marry Jerry to my granddaughter Sarah. After all, by his own admission, Jerry doesn’t have a very good track record in his relationships with women and that’s putting it mildly. I love Sarah dearly and wouldn’t want to see her make a mistake she would live to regret much less me play a part in it. However, Sarah and Jerry have convinced me that, with God’s help, they promise to love one another until He separates them by death. As imperfect as it no doubt is, I’m also convinced each of them understands the true meaning of love. It was easy for me to determine this with Sarah. After all I’ve know her ever since she came into my life in the midst of a howling nor’easter twenty some odd years ago. I have seen her put true love into practice on numerous occasions including during the pre-marital counseling sessions.

Although I haven’t known Jerry very long, I also saw displays of his love, especially as it pertains to being respectful and patient with me. Through Sarah and others I had heard of Jerry’s love for other people. What clinched it for me with him however was the time I purposely asked Jerry a question which was based on my experience a number of years ago with a young 15 year old boy I’ll call Danny. Danny’s parents had separated and he was living with his mother and brother and sister. His parents split and his father moved in with a woman and her five children and made a new life for himself. Unfortunately, as far his children were concerned, that life didn’t include them. Unless we’ve been in those children’s shoes we can only imagine the terrible impact the man’s rejection of them had on their emotions and self-image.

I do know those kids felt awful because they loved their father dearly, but unless he had to, or was pressured in some way, the man had nothing to do with them. Danny ran away from home and was living near a sand pit close to ours.  Sarah’s mom was a teenager at the time and so were her brother and two sisters. Although Sarah’s grandma and I were struggling to raise our own family and barely had enough money to pay the bills, we took Danny into our home, and loved that boy just as if he was one of our own children. Danny’s father never called him or us to find out how he was doing. Never! In Danny’s eyes his father was contemptuously treating him as though he didn’t exist.

Jerry just sat there taking it all in and shaking his head from side to side in obvious disgust. It was almost as though he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Then I asked him what he would have done if he was Danny’s father? Would he stay in close touch with his children and do everything possible to be part of their lives and demonstrate his love for them, or would he put them behind him and move on with his new life. Judging from Jerry’s facial expression I could see that question was a no brainer. Next I threw another one at him and asked: suppose the child didn’t want anything to do with you Jerry because you had hurt him or her so much. What would you do in such a situation?” Jerry assured me he would continue loving his child up until the moment he died and would do everything possible to restore their broken relationship. And I have no good reason to disbelieve Jerry.

Jerry’s children are with us today and each of them knows without a doubt that, as imperfect as it certainly is, their father truly loves them. Danny’s father didn’t know the real meaning of love. I feel sorry for that man because true love and true happiness are inseparable, and unless he changes, Danny’s father will never personally experience either. I’ve been hoping and praying that he stop hurting his children and displeasing his Creator, and learns what love is, and puts it into practice. Although I can’t even come close to knowing any ones heart including my own, Sarah and Jerry has convinced me they sincerely intend to strive to love one another until God separates them by death. They have also given me lots if reason to believe they know the true meaning of Gods’ definition of love. Sarah and Jerry so much want their marriage, not only to last, but, in total dependence upon God for His help, to blossom and become vibrant and flourish. And they have each already assured me they intend to do their best to love one another the way God wants all human beings to. And I believe them!

I’ve had their wedding vows framed. It’s my adaptation of a paraphrase of something one of my favorite authors wrote concerning something the Apostle Paul said in a letter he sent to those early Christians. Jerry and Sarah have promised to hang it in a conspicuous place in their home to serve as a constant reminder of this ceremony, and of the solemn vow’s they are about to agree to, especially during those inevitable times when one or both of them aren’t behaving very loveable. And now, Jerry and Sarah; if you wholeheartedly agree with what I’m saying please answer in the affirmative.

With God’s help,

I will be patient with you, because I love you and I want to forgive you.

I will be kind to you, because I love you and I want to help you.

I will not envy your possessions or your gifts, because I love you and I want you to have the best.

I will not boast about my attainments, because I love you and I want to hear about yours.

I will not be proud, because I love you and I want to esteem you before myself.

I will not be rude, because I love you and I care about your feelings.

At this point we’re going to pause while I read something Sarah wrote and asked me to read today. Here goes:

“The Apostle Paul’s letter may contain a verse about love not being rude, but it is Jerry’s rudeness that attracted me to him! His rudeness is his willingness to always tell the truth regardless of how others may react. His rudeness is him lovingly telling me what he thinks I should do to solve a problem, not telling me I’m doing everything right to be nice. He always has reminded me “I never said I was nice,” and I can definitely agree with that. He is “nice” through his brutal honestly and unwavering ability to stand up for what he believes in, which many perceive as rudeness. Rudeness in Paul’s letter refers to brutal honesty (or brutal opinion) said to someone with a blatant disregard for their feelings. Jerry cares about my feelings but, he’s not about to be shy when it comes to helping me. That is true love!” Now we’ll continue with the vows.

I will not be self-seeking, because I love you and I want to meet your needs.

I will not be easily angered by you, because I love you and I want to overlook your offenses.

I will not keep a record of your wrongs, because I love you, and “love covers a multitude of sins.[i]

It’s sad but most folks don’t have a clue as to what God’s definition of love is. I’m ashamed to say that I certainly didn’t when I got married a little more than fifty one years ago and it took me a long time before I finally learned, and I still haven’t got it down pat. Now allow me to ask you folks the following question; “In your wildest imagination; can any of you envision the marriage of this or any other man and woman who, if they sincerely strive to love each other the way our Creator directs; that such a marriage could possibly be anything other than vibrant and continue to flourish?”

Groom: Jerry, will you take your ring and place it upon the third finger of Sarah’s left hand, and repeat after me this promise, saying: “With this ring I seal my promise, to be your faithful and loving husband, as God is my witness.”

Bride: Sarah, will you take your ring and place it upon the third finger of Jerry’s left hand, and repeat after me this promise, saying: “With this ring, I seal my promise, to be your faithful and loving wife, as God is my witness.”

Will those of you witnesses who believe, that with God’s help, this marriage union will become permanent, until God separates Sarah and Jerry by death, please stand.

By virtue of the authority vested in me as a minister of the gospel of Christ, and in accordance with the laws of God and the sovereign State of Vermont, I now pronounce you husband and wife.

Let’s all bow our heads: Father, please shower down special blessings upon Jerry and Sarah and their loved ones today, and all of their tomorrows and then throughout eternity. Remind them to start each day asking You to strongly incline them to sincerely want to love each other, just as You do them through your Son, and give each of them the strength to overcome every temptation not to do so. And now, in the name of Your Son, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, I’m asking You to take these words of my mouth and thoughts of my heart and turn them into ‘A SPECIAL WEDDING BLESSING,’ to everyone present. Amen!

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it’s my privilege to introduce Jerry and Sarah Williams.

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August 15, 2010 Posted by Categories: Uncategorized 2 comments

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