
Friday Morning Special 8/01/14



“The Boston Globe newspaper carries a daily column dedicated to answering questions from its readers. Some years ago, the paper listed the top ten unanswerable questions it had received. Among them was one from a 9-year-old boy, who wrote:

“I have a cat that eats regularly and needs to go on a diet. He also eats mice when he is out. How many calories are there in a mouse?”

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. (Romans 8:28)

There are some questions to which we simply don’t know the answer. This is most definitely true when asking questions about God, who is so immense and powerful that man, could never dream or fully understanding Him.

We see examples of this all around us today. When parents take a child to the doctor to be vaccinated, the child doesn’t understand what’s going on. All he understands is that he’s being stuck with a needle and it hurts. But the parents know more…and they let the child experience a bit of pain today because, in the grand scheme of things, it’s better for him!

There will come a day when we’ll be able to ask any questions we want. But until that day, we may not get answers to the “whys” of the Christian life. So we wait…and we trust God to work everything out for our good!”

“When you ask, “Why doesn’t God do something to restrain the evil and suffering in today’s world,” I am obliged to reply, “He does; He restrains the vast majority of evil that would otherwise be there. I can’t show you where He has done this, because if it was there to show you then it would be obvious that He hasn’t restrained it!”

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Romans 8:18

God allows enough suffering to remind man of his foolishness in abandoning his Creator, but not too much to cause the world to sink beneath its own weight of evil.


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August 1, 2014 Posted by Categories: Friday Morning Special Tagged with:
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