
The Horizon of Life


©1991 Mike Cunningham

You have watched with anger, outrage, and deep sorrow as pain, humiliation and loss of strength has changed the body, mind and spirit of someone you love. You hated these changes as the person grew weaker and weaker and slipped further and further from you. Finally, the ordeal of waiting and watching helplessly is over. The end has come to your loved one. But this is not reality.

Imagine you are standing on a pier with a group of friends and relatives. Everyone is waving a final goodbye to a fellow Christian as the ship the person is on sails slowly away. As it goes further and further from you and out into the open sea, it seems to change, to grow smaller as it maintains its course. A loved one is leaving. You are already experiencing the first pangs of loneliness and sorrow as you think about the upcoming void in your life. You don’t like the change you see as the ship grows smaller and smaller. Finally, it sails over the horizon and out of your sight. You can’t see it anymore. The ordeal of idly standing by, waiting for the inevitable is over. The person standing next to you with tear filled eyes turns and says, “It’s gone.” Your own eyes tell you this is so. But this too is not reality.

As certain as the ship and its passengers which have passed out of your sight still exist, so too does your loved one. Just as those of you watching helplessly as someone you love dearly passes over the horizon of life may say with deep sorrow, “she’s gone…he’s gone,” rest assured there are others on the other side of the horizon at the exact same moment shouting with indescribable joy “she’s home…”he’s home.” Your loved one has just been born to eternal life. An unknown author reminds us, “For a Christian death is not a ‘period’ but rather a ‘comma’ in the story of life.” [John 11:25-26; 5:24-25; 10:28]

God has determined that one day at a specific hour and second, which He alone has decreed, you too will cross over the Horizon of Life [Job 14:1, 5]. Take comfort in knowing that because of His tremendous love [John 3:16], your loved one will be there to joyfully welcome you. This is reality!

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January 1, 1991 Posted by Categories: Stories 60 comments

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