

2013/09/17 – Devotional

THE COTTON FARMER “Consider how the lilies grow.” (Luke 12:27) Not just the lilies, but a few other flowering things. Like cotton. Seeing a cotton field ready for picking gives new meaning to the phrase “white unto harvest.” But a lot of carefully planned work goes into the crop before it reaches that stage-it’s true …Continue reading

2013/09/11 – Devotional

A LOVE POEM Before the very dawn of time, Before the earth was round; Before there was a sight to see, Or what we know as sound… God formed you then, within His mind With expertise and care; He planned each detail in advance, He numbered every hair. He picked your very temperament, He planned …Continue reading

2013/09/04 – Devotional

GOD’S DISCIPLINE 17 “So, what a blessing when God steps in and corrects you! Mind you, don’t despise the discipline of Almighty God! 18 True, he wounds, but he also dresses the wound; the same hand that hurts you, heals you. 19 From one disaster after another he delivers you; no matter what the calamity, …Continue reading

2013/08/28 – Devotional

BROKEN AND RESTORED By reason of breaking they purify themselves. (Job 41:25) There once were three boys locked in a room. They all wanted to get out, but none of them had the key. So the strongest said, “I’m going to bust my way out of here,” and he had the muscles to do it. …Continue reading

2013/08/21 – Devotional

STORMY WINDS Stormy wind fulfilling his word ((Psalm 148:8) Did you ever go into the woods late in the afternoon on a day of howling wind and driving rain; and did you ever see a drearier spectacle, or hear drearier sounds? The sough of the winds through the almost bare branches, the drip, drip of …Continue reading

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