
2013/08/28 – Devotional


By reason of breaking they purify themselves. (Job 41:25)

There once were three boys locked in a room. They all wanted to get out, but none of them had the key. So the strongest said, “I’m going to bust my way out of here,” and he had the muscles to do it. He kicked and pounded and threw himself against the door until he fell to the floor exhausted.

The second boy, the smartest in the group thought he had a better chance to get out of the room. He analyzed the door, studied alternate angles, and considered complicated theories. “From my calculations,” he finally said, “I figure it’s completely impossible to get out of this room.” And he sat down.

So the third boy got up. He was small and week, slow and simple. Certainly, they all thought, he doesn’t stand a chance to get out of the room. The boy walked to the door, knocked quietly and said, “Excuse me, will you let us out? And the one with the key heard the knock and happily opened the door.

When you think you are strong, you depend on your strength. When you are smart, you depend on your brain. When you think you are clever, you depend on your wits. But when you are broken, you depend on someone who can help. You depend on a Savior—which is exactly the way God likes it.

What a blessing to know when you’re broken, because you are already on the path to finding wholeness and hope.

Dear Lord, I am broken. I can’t do things on my own. Thank you that I can depend on You for strength and hope and life. Amen.


L.B. Cowman

Updated and revised for today’s reader.

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August 28, 2013 Posted by Categories: Devotions 1 comment

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